Mar 28, 2012

Learning From Children's Art

An exhibition displays our artists investment in the end of the session. It is also great for them to examine their art adventure through time. The artwork hold in store the precious moment in which children put a great energy!

"I did splater paint"
"Where did the magic ducks go?"
"Something starts small and gets bigger"
Children are so focused on writing the title and story for their art piece.

"'What do you see?' This is a Picasso inspired picture, I [tried] to add as many things as I can. What do you see?"  

I wondered why we adults forget the pleasure of making art by hands, forget the freedom of making our own stories and chasing our dreams.

What a lucky person I am- in that I am able to witness children's art "experimental" process. There is no fear of making mistakes or worries about other's judgment. Want to start an art adventure? Just immerse ourselves into this moment, making art with children. 

Listen to Children's Stories

We had a great winter session. I really enjoyed the exhibition of these fantastic artwork with abundant stories.

Little artists were guiding us to look into her art piece.
These stripes represent Wisconsin, Wyoming, Virginia and Puerto Rico, and the small paper pieces are rocket ships traveling around!

When we are willing to listen to them, they learn how to listen to others patiently. It builds the basis of good communication. Not to mention that how can we miss these wonderful ideas in their art?!

"This is a map of the planets- the sun in the middle." made by a 5 year-old girl.

They are interested in others' artwork as well.
"Daddy's ship" ;)

I felt so inspired by these artists and know that they are the greatest gifts from heaven. As an adult, we are responsible of teaching these kids right and wrong, but I feel like I am the one who have learned so much from them. Their existence tells us how beautiful life is when they are in the world.

Mar 21, 2012

Guess Who Made This?

This time we put the glazed clay-work for them to draw on the paper, and I saw something interesting!

A boy started to trace his clay-work.
and he put efforts on drawing the background
Just like the way he made his self-portrait few weeks ago.

The girl also did that and colored the form and put more design that she didn't do on her clay-work.
And, if you saw an artwork full of purple...

The clay-work on the right

1 month ago she painted all in purple
It will probably be hers! Like there are her names on them.

Although our subject was drawing the clay-work, she drew them in a colorful way, which is interesting to see.
Just like the way she painted on the wall. 
And below is another example that she drew her clay-work similar to what she drew her self-protrait. 

It would be interesting if we were not here with them and be asked who made which artwork, we would still be able to give the correct answer! Because these creative artists have their own unique style to make art!

Kids Are Wonderful Storyteller

Spring is coming! Last week is our last winter class on Saturday. Children were able to pick their favorite art piece from the portfolio. 

a little artist was exhibiting her artwork.

paper building and collage in a "environment"
As we were going to share the favorite pieces at the end of class. We also encourage them to write down the stories of their art. 
it's never a easy job. They have put so much energy in making artwork.

 Look how amazing their stories are! It was just like a small gallery!

Artwork of the same subject but were demonstrated in different ways. We are able to see the whole image from her three dimensional artwork.

I am curious what will happen on these characters in her sketch book

I am so grateful that I have seen their thoughts taking place in their artwork, which means their fantastic ideas have always been respected. I wish these little artists keep up their creative way to live. As the quotes on the wall of Art at the Center: Art is not a thing, it's a way.

Mar 14, 2012

All You Have Learned Contribute To Such A Beautiful Piece!

We have learned drawing, painting, collage and clay-work. In this class, they apply all the skills they learned in order to create what they want!

Collage and drawing together built a beautiful house surrounded by cats.

She put lots of efforts in tracing the margin of the elephant, using materials with various textures.

It was like a 3D knife!

As she glued these multimaterials on this paper, this artwork became more vivid! Look, it was just like a real cloud!
Wow! What a creative way to make this background in red! 
She said, I want to sew a pocket for my dog! 
More amazing artwork in this session is as follows:

Their creativity will never be limited in one single material. Child development is like infinity as long as we are willing to provide them what they need!